High Interest

AtmaSphere’s Great S-30 mkII.3 OTL power amplifier – Great Price !


“The Atma-Sphere S30 MkII amp’s soundstaging was the best I’ve ever heard in my home, the speakers producing a well-defined dimension of depth for the first time in my experience.” A world-class OTL power amplifier delivering a healthy 30 watts that mates extremely well with 8 & 16 (or greater) Ohms speakers. We found one second-hand but excellent / mint condition (incl. tubes life) and selling for only 2.200,- euros. For further details, hi-res pictures or auditioning contact: abouthifi@gmail.com or rlevi@themaestros.gr [phone: (+30) 210-6710-851] . Don’t miss this rare to find & in such great condition amplifier ! A truly high-end gem.

Review: S30 Mk II.3 OTL power amplifier


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